5 Must Visit Diamond Painting Pinterest Boards

What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is an awesome place to get ideas for hair and makeup, recipes, fashion, DIY crafts, wedding and baby shower ideas and much more! Pinterest serves as a social media site but is very similar to a search engine. You simply type any topic you want and you will get results based on the different key words that are used. Pinterest has so many different ideas that not only open your imagination but help your visions come to life.
Think of Pinterest as your very own virtual vision board. You can create several different boards and “pin” pictures that link to related websites, stores and videos. Many of the links will bring you to a how to page for DIY projects. You have the option to make your pin boards private or public so others can be inspired by your boards as well.
What is Diamond Painting?
We all know what diamond painting is, but just in case you’re a newbie…Diamond painting is a combination of cross stitch, paint-by-number, and mosaic. It is a very simple craft that is great for all ages. Pictures are created by using small diamonds that make up different patterns and designs when assembled.
Must Visit Diamond Painting Pinterest Boards
The board, Diamond Painting, was created by Debbie Head. There are over 1,300 followers of this board but Debbie Head has over 7,000 followers total. Almost all of her pins are of Diamond Painting pieces that you can purchase from sites like eBay, Bonanza Marketplace, and Untitled Artisan.
DIAMOND PAINTING – By Stacey Harrell
Although Stacey Harrell’s board doesn’t have that many pins, her Diamond Painting board provides several followers with information about supplies, paintings, ideas, patterns, and tips. Ideas for paintings range from holiday to under the sea.
Kelly Acker has over 60 pins and 1500 followers on her board Crafts-Diamond Paintings. This board provides pins about steps to diamond painting, general information about the process of painting, the supplies that you need for painting, and lots of ideas and patterns.
Barbara Bridge, a pinner from New Zealand, created the board “5D Diamond Painting.” This board contains over 70 pins. The majority of the pins link back to patterns that followers can use to create their own Diamond Painting.
Literary Winner has the #1 board, Diamond Painting/Cross Stitch Ideas. This board has over 4,000 pins and almost 10,000 followers. The Board contains a large number or designs that pinners can create through diamond painting. Each pin displays a drawing, painting or garden flag that gives ideas.
What to take away from this?
Whether you are looking for a pattern, idea, tip or even a piece of art to purchase Pinterest is your go to place. With a wide variety of Pinterest Boards you are sure to find what you are looking for. You also have the ability to join a large community of artist and visionaries much like yourself.
Also, check out the 5 Best YouTube Channels for Diamond Painting HERE.